"Tao and Dharma: Chinese Medicne and Ayurveda" Robert Svoboda and Arnie Lade
"The evolution of the universe as detailed in the Sankhya (sic) system, one of the six
systems of philosphy in India, forms the foundation for most Ayurvedic theories. Yoga
uses the same approach with only minor alterations. In the Sankhya philosophy, every-
thing evolves from an Absolute Reality (purusha), which is consciousness without any charactheristics whatsoever, beyond time, space, and causation, a single point which encompasses everything and which cannot be perceived by mind or accurately described in human language. All potentialities exist in an unmanifested state. From this Absolute
I spent 6 months covering Samkhya, also the Self/Non-Self in
terms of its Vedantic and Buddhist aspects. See earlier posts